Edited by Mirene Arsanios, Ziad Dallal and Salma Shamel
1. Editorial, Mirene Arsanios, Ziad Dallal, Salma Shamel
2. What is this trash world, Ariel Yelen
3. Aspects of Evil: A Conversation with Alberto Toscano, Edwin Nasr and Lama El Khatib
4. Soft Torn Edges, Andrea Abi-Karam
5. The Case of Palestine, Nicholas Glastonbury
6. No More Civilians, Abou Farman
7. See No Evil, Wendy Lotterman
8. Khurāfat Gaza: Forbidden Mourning and The Immortalization of Catastrophe, Hilal Chouman
9. خرافة غزة: منع الرثاء يؤبِّد الكارثة، هلال شومان
10. 3 Poems, Maryam Monalisa Gharavi
11. This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About, Nora Treatbaby
12. All that's Left of Me (Towards a New Palestinian Literature), Raji Bathish
13. Untitled, Mireia Molina Costa
14. Phenakistoscope, Christopher Rey Pérez
15. The US Is Peerless, Morgan Võ
17. Notes on Precedent, Ash Moniz
18. Infiltrating Liberal Zionism, The Arachnospindicalist Palestinian Collective
حوار مع الكاتب ياسين الحاج صالح: "ثَمّة فَلسْطنة للمحكومين وأسرَلَة للحاكمين"، ياسين الحاج صالح A Conversation with Yassin al-Haj Saleh: Palestinianizing the Ruled and Israelizing the Rulers, Yassin Al-Haj Saleh
خرافة غزة: منع الرثاء يؤبِّد الكارثة، هلال شومان Khurāfat Gaza: Forbidden Mourning and The Immortalization of Catastrophe, Hilal Chouman
ما لم يتبقَّ لأحد – تعقيب، راجي بطحيش All that’s Left to No-one (Afterword), Raji Bathish