Mireia Molina Costa is a writer and artist based in Barcelona, Spain. Her practice investigates the intersection of language, silence and ecofeminism through voice, writing, sound and collective-based processes. She is currently a resident researcher at La Escocesa (Barcelona) and a recipient of the 2024 Sala d’Art Jove award of the Government of Catalonia. Her words have appeared in the catalogues Allora & Calzadilla: Gǎnyìng (ed. Manuel Cirauqui, Lisson Gallery, 2024), Aurèlia Muñoz.Taller aeri (ed. einaidea and Centre-Grau Garriga d’Art Tèxtil Contemporani, 2024) and the anthology Like the Sea I Think (ed. Sarah Lowndes, UEA Publishing Project, 2019), among others. She currently works as editor at einaidea, Barcelona-based research group and programming platform associated with EINA School of Art and Design.