Ash Moniz is a transdisciplinary artist, with a ten-year long research practice into the violences of supply-chain logistics. Moniz’s solo exhibitions include Rockbund Art Museum (Shanghai, upcoming), Townhouse Gallery (Cairo), Sishang Museum (Beijing), and group exhibitions such as Vermillion Sands (Copenhagen, upcoming), Sheffield DocFest, the Berlinale Forum Expanded, and the Dakar Biennale. They were artist-in-residence at Triangle (Brooklyn), Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen (Innsbruck), Maritime Portal Residency (Guangzhou), and have participated in study programs such as Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, Raw Material Company (Dakar), Harun Farocki Institute (Berlin), and Mass Alexandria (Egypt). As a writer, Moniz is an ongoing art-critic for Mada Masr, and has chapters in many books such as Radical Film, Art and Digital Media for Societies in Turmoil(K. Verlag, 2023), As You Go…Roads Under Your Feet Towards a New Future (Mousse, 2022), and Thresholds 49(MIT, 2021).