The Arachnospindicalist Palestinian Collective (APC) of size n=1 is a solitary collective of a diaspora Palestinian that was established at the end of 2023 after years of internalizing rage. APC's lifelong struggle in the diaspora has consisted of deftly weaving warps and wefts in both the real world and the interwebs of awareness. Building these intricate webs has allowed measurements of microscopic vibrations of Zionisms in the order of 0-300 microHerzls in most discourse spaces [1]. Such sensitivities are quite common amongst most from bilad asham [2] . APC's background is in Engineering and Technology.

1.While Hertz (Hz) is an SI unit measurement of frequency in Cycles per Second (for instance the power coming out of your socket dances out at a frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz depending on where you live or in contexts of spiders how many times its silk vibrates along its various axes) Herzls (Hzs) on the other hand is a modality of measurement of "Zionisms per second". While Herzls are commonly expressed in multiples: kiloHerzls (kHzs 1x10³), megaHerzls (MHzs 1x10⁶), gigaHerzls (GHzs 1x10⁹), teraHerzls (THzs 1x10¹²) which are units obvious to most passive observers of our struggle; APC's webs can measure tiny Zionisms (commonly referred to as Liberal Zionism) in units of milliHerzls (mHzs 1x10−3) microHerzls (uHzs 1x10−6 ) and nanoHerzls (nHzs 1x10−9). Work has been proceeding on an all new device capable of measuring even more trace Zionisms: picoHerzls (pHzs 1x10−12) the device is called the Kanafanometer-1P3 and will be marketed and sold in Beirut and Nablus in 2027 it can run on both kerosene and batteries.

2.If you were to ask a bystander witnessing the calamities unfolding in 1883's Krakatoa or the Mongols attempting to invade Japan in the 13th century, their response to you describing what they were facing would no doubt be their words for Volcano or Tsunami. Dislocate those same subjects and you'd find they'd have an heightened sense of the Earth's temperament by virtue of their experience. Goes without saying here, if born under better more peaceful conditions, spindicalist tendencies of our kin would be less attuned to Zionist's frequencies and more to the better things in life. Perhaps our spun webs would not only pick up the molecular vibrations from the aspirated /pʰ/ in "space" of that dreaded phrase "I think I need some space" of a lover's once quiet doubt finally finding articulation to her other half, but also what it was that she had for breakfast that morning, what TV series she watched the night before and how late her bus was before getting home. So as futile as the task may seem to be, you can think of us as the amplifiers of the nanoHerzls that permeate the liberal spaces to those less perceptible.